United Kingdom


There is no denying the beauty and romance inspired by railroading, just as there is no denying the heartfelt satisfaction and rewarding experience of a good hobby. Each small part comes together in a most satisfying way, in the same way a writer gathers words into paragraphs to tell the ultimate story. Aster Hobby Co., Inc. Yokohama, Japan will invite you to enjoy with us the fulfillment of building, operating or simply viewing the gauge one live steam locomotives. It may provide the lifestyle that you have been seeking.


2025/02/21 Pre-Owned model page is updated Use models (late Dr.Harada’s collection) are subject to change from time to time. Please be sure to check whether it is in stock before considering.
2024/12/12 Please note our year end holidays
2023/11/27 Available stock of Aster model
All Light Mikado and Heavy Mikado of GN version are sold out
2023/10/04 Aster You-tube up dated Check
2023/09/31 New Model up dated(P2 final test in Japan)
2023/09/31 PRODUCTS(Note for SUS mesh burner version of Thompson LNER B1)
2017/01/17 Link page updated
2012/05/22 O-RING for KRAUSS GAS INLET